If you have any questions, feel free to send them via the Contact page. 


How much time should I allow? 

Whether you've booked a 60 or 90-minute massage, please allow an additional 5-10 minutes to discuss your priorities and change clothes. 


What can I expect for my first visit?

Your first appointment is an opportunity to tell me about any areas of discomfort or concern, relevant health history (injuries, surgeries or chronic conditions), and anything else you feel I should be aware of. 


Do I get naked?

It's common for clients to remove most or all of their clothing (you will always be covered, aside from the area I'm working on), but it's absolutely your choice. I can work through clothing. 

From time to time, if there's a call for stretching and movement as part of the session, I might ask you to wear shorts. 


What do I have to do to prepare for my massage?

Nothing - come as you are. And there's no need to remove body hair or exfoliate. The only thing I recommend is switching off or silencing your phone.